Random image/ Words

After come to class, lecturer gv us A3 paper again,
yes we have to start drawing something AGAIN! :)
Radom image/ words? 
To explore a random image and word?
In our childhood time? 
With a adorable cutie kitten?

We follow step of lecturer teaching, and explore it ourself, tadaaa!!
This is our scary kitten image.
by poh yeng

Final assignment in Creative Study

Step 1:

Lecturer ask us to form a group and write an essay about history of Faculty Creative Multimedia.

There are thousands of design universities in the world, but Mutimedia University has provided the best creative multimedia education and facilitiesin academic study, which is Faculty of Creative Multimedia.Based on the SCIMAGO Institutions ranking 2010, MMU was ranked 368 in Asia, and No. 6 in Malaysia (No. 1 Private University). It conform academic study to general creative digital technology production work.The faculty was conceived back in 1997 the pioneers had a specific purpose can let every students to become a successful designer. Besides that, Faculty of Creative Multimedia has many facilities to let students study in a good environment. In design studio is contributing a workplace for students to improve their creative thinking skills and carry out design projects and assignments.There is Graphic Labswith well-equippedwith high-resolution computer graphic images.Thus, students learn with professional graphic and image editing software tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Maya and Macromedia Fireworks.
Next, Interactive Labs is the place to let students create highly interactive multimedia applications for digital medium on fast. On the other hand, Electronic Gallery is an exhibition centre where the conceptualised becomes a portal to the multimedia and digital world. It also showcases the best of student's work. There are Modelling Labs, Animation Labs and Rapid Prototyping Labs. All this labs contain specialised facilities comprising of hardware and software applicationsfor high-end 3D animation purposes. In addition, post production video labs also available in the faculty and Audio Labsare used for creating and editing digital sound. Lastly, VR Theatre used for stereoscopic image projection with surrounds sound.
                                                                                                                            (Lim Poh Yeng)
The Dean of Faculty of Creative Multimedia said that FCM is now moving forward into its second decade of existence being the first such faculty in Malaysia in 1997. Many things have changed over the years since its establishment. Each day hefind much inspiration and challenge with the dynamic staff, innovative projects and eager young students wanting to learn the future of multimedia. The young students in FCM can impressive him through their artworks. Society is faced with increasing new forms of multimedia communication, both from the technological tools and the messages beamed to us each day via a fully electronic environment. As the world moves into the global digishpere, we as the students of FCM, MMU are faced with even bolder challenges to become future media creators.The faculty puts its students first and makes every effort to provide a conducive learning environment on all levels including technology. However, multimedia is not just about the technology. In fact he would say that is the least it is about. Multimedia is about creativity, imagination and dedication. FCM is a demanding faculty, but the rewards to be gained are many. Malaysia, and indeed the world, is recognising the overwhelming need for content. Content is king, and that will be the key to setting yourself apart from "others", your creative ideas. We need creative ideas to look different from others.The Faculty warmly welcomes aspiring students from the world over. The curriculum, a mix of psychology, cognitive science, arts, multimedia, aesthetics, creativity and technology, prepares us for a challenging, exciting career in creative multimedia and beyond into areas we now just dream of.
                                                                                                                             (Ang Gaik See)
In Faculty of Creative Multimedia ,there are provided 1 year foundation studies.The role of Foundation Studies is to provide suitable ground and basic skills especially in drawings and basic computer graphics application and media production technique. There are several majors in Faculty of Creative Multimedia which are Animation and Visual Effects , Advertising Design, Media Arts, Interface Design , and Visual Reality.Film and Animation students are expected to understand the process of producing an animation work that is in sync with a good design sense and the scope of digital animation. Throughout the production process, students will develop their technical skill and artistic understanding in storytelling and animation groomed to become a three-dimensional (3D) animation artist.For Advertising Design ,the fundamental learning outcome that we look for in a project is the students' ability to apply their knowledge on elements and principles of advertising into working ideas. Our objective is to ensure that they acquire good understanding of skills in creative concept, execution and production of creative multimedia content. Besides that,the Interface Design (ID) Programme endeavours to educate and train young designers to achieve creative and innovative solutions for ICT products, services and applications. They also are taught how to provide meaningful interfaces and exciting interactive solutions to enhance the user experience, to challenge the envelope of leading-edge technologies, and to improve the lifestyles of our society.Media Art (MA) program offers an inter/multidisciplinary approach to media creation that fosters individual exploration, experimentation and creative technologies practice. The course is conducted in an exciting environment where theories and practices can be challenged and ideas flow. Virtual Reality Programme are committed to goal the producing of VR specialists who are proficient in creating real-time application with the objective of developing experiential design. In this multimedia age, they are all exposed to a multitude of communication modalities.
                                                                                                                          (Gan Xiao Whua)
There were many awards won by FCM students. In 7th December 2010, Kamarulzaman B. Russali was the 1st place winner of  POTY2010 Travel Category, Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2010 in UK. His work named Journey of Ocean Life. The local award, he was the 2nd place winner of  Human Rights from Your Perspectives- SUHAKAM  Photo Competition, Malaysia in 15th December 2010. For 2009 NEXTGEN Contentpreneur Award, Ooi Shin had won in Exceptional Graphuic Design (TV) in this competition. His tittle was Lovetini. Description was A music video piece inspired by the Beatles Song “ Love”. Another winner of this competition was Md Faiz Abu Bakar. He won in Most Amazing Visual Effects. His tittle was Pestilence. Besides, he also won the Extraordinary Short Content TV. His tittle was Tree of Life.  Ahmad Faris Shah Osman won in this competition too. He won the Outstanding Music Video. His tittle was Mission RR340. Description was A Motion graphic piece of Recycling Superheroes. Overtake had credit to MdFirdans Bin Hashim. This video had won the Extraordinary Short Content ( Mobile ). Description was A Motion graphic clip of a Skateboarding Hero. The Incomparabe Animation won by Hazli Hazlan Bin Kassim. His film named Tree of Life. In 6th January 2008, MMU fcm won two awards in the 2008 Filem dan video Pelajar Malaysia ke- 5 , University Malaysia Sabah. There was Best Video Music Award and Best Video Animation Award. In the same year, we also won the Interface Design Team Winner for Mobile Edutainment Content Category in MSC Malaysia Intellectual Property Creators Challenge Series 2008.
                                                                                                                                (Loh Pui San)
            Faculty of Creative Multimedia, also known as FCM, we are not only pursuing the success in academic but also the perfect ideation of one’s personality. On the other hand we are not seeking the goods in an inflexible way; over-pressure eventually will kill the creativity. Person who always bounded by "logical" and "rules" would never develop a good idea because creativity cannot be learnt from books but generate the values by your own. Therefore, the Creative Multimedia Club, or known as CMC has prepared various events for the students in order to develop their positive creative thinking. For example, Research Creation Exhibition is a biennial exhibition where the students showcase their creative multimedia works to the public. The event started from 2007, and the main theme of the exhibition last time was “Proscenium of Art, Humanities and Technology”. Besides that, during 2010, the first major photography event in MMU, Memoirs has been held in the Grand Hall of Multimedia University. The main objective of the event was to create a platform for the student-photographers to express and convey their minds and ideas through photography based on the categories. The competition itself has attracted over 300 participants and the exhibition for 3 days has attracted about 1200 visitors, which is a very-unexpected number. Furthermore, the details of both of the events have been included in Entitle, the only e-magazine of FCM. Recently, we also have 2 special events held in the FCM. There was a German & Malaysian Students Program which opened to public on 23 of November; the next day was following by the Guest Artists’ workshop with SVP2 from Tokyo, Japan, and it was available for the FCM students only. Both of the events were part of The 2nd Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival, as known as KLEX 2011
                                                                                                                         (Lew Ching Zian)
If I could sum it up in one sentence, for sure I would say that study in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia in Multimedia University is a practical journey towards an awesome life of a great designer, we are finely equipped in both mentally and physically skills which plays no more than an important role to be the best designers of the whole world. The excellence of our faculty is just undeniable. For years, we have been receiving countless recognition from the society, and yet, we are still trying to improve it whatever we can. I am so much satisfied with the educations provided, and I have no regret choosing Multimedia University as the place I pursue for higher education. For the one last thing I want to mention, Multimedia University has just more than enough of in-campus or out-campus events, from clubs, organizations or even societies that we can show our talent and test our skills in doing those publication jobs required in those events. No doubt we are having the best environment for you to be more practical in those works! Some more, I just heard that our faculty is having another amazing course offered, Cinematic Arts, claimed to be the first ever Hollywood-style cinematography course offered in our country! Seriously, Multimedia University is way too awesome!
                                                                                                                            (Teo Chin Hao) 

 From our article we had drew out a logical mind map.

 Step 2:

In our first consultation, lecturer ask us to re edit our logical mind map to make it more colorful. The second assignment is write an extend essay. The idea for this extend essay is the crazy life style of fcm students. After our group discussion, the whole essay done by James Teo Chin Hao.

The crazy life style of fcm students

Life in FCM is just awesome, there is no way you can make it a boring one, unless you are not really into the life of FCM. Some said that life in FCM is nothing more but assignments. Yes I pretty agree with that, but only when I rush for assignments for 3days 3nights without a goodnight sleep! Other than that, our life in FCM is just to have fun! We have fun doing designs, we have fun doing photo shootings, we have fun in drawings, we have fun in whatever ways, just because that we enjoy doing it! Apart from that, life in FCM is just like accepting and denying challenges. You can choose either to shoot a tree along the road side or a tree on top of the highest mountain for your photography assignment, maybe is just the same to you but not to us. Amazingly, FCM students love challenges! That is why most of our art works are so brilliantly done! In fact, FCM is the place where we expose to most of the fields in an indirect way. As an example, if we are given a project of publicizing the car of BMW Company, then we will have to do researches on fields as in engineering of the car, the way of designing it, and so on, so that we can do the publication works which are going to give the most impacts to the consumers. In whatever ways, if you are not really into the life of FCM, you might find this a torture, but I bet most of us are not in that group!
Enough for those good times, now for those tough moments in FCM. Tough moment No.1: Rushing assignments!  Is really a suffering time for us if those submissions dates are dating each other together on the same day! If you guys are a social networker, I bet you gonna see a lots more of green colour profile pictures appearing on your homepage! Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, every of this gonna flooded with “Arghh! Assignment gonna kill me!” these kind of status updates. This is also the time when any stupid status update gets lots of “likes” and “comments”. I am quite sure that every FCM students can’t live without a social networking website! Seriously, FCM students are all nocturnal beings! We never do our works during daytime but always at night. Until now, I don’t even know why we are doing this. Here comes tough moment No.2: Burning money for assignments! You know what, our assignments are not just killing our brain cells, but burning our money in our pockets! The scariest sentence we ever heard during submission is “Please reprint this, this, this and that!” Every single piece of reprint works causes us to eat Roti Canai for our lunch for days. But when we get our works printed out, we just can’t stop smiling looking at our works, and everything is just turned out to be valuable at that moment. Other than that, we need a large amount of money for buying those tools like camera, stationery, camera equipments… Without that, we can’t do anything! Last but not least, let me introduce you guys the worst part in the life of FCM: We hardly get a break or holiday though throughout the sem! Even though there is a week of holiday, but it still makes no different to us. The only different is that we do our assignments in our hometown instead of in the hostel. As it is like we can live without food but not assignments! As in return, we will start to have more free time during the last few weeks of the sem as we already finished all the assignments and just waiting to sit on the exam which carries only 40percent of marks. And this is the time we start to mock on our friends in other faculties!
Life in FCM, as in always, full of excitements!

This is of 1 the critical method.

 Step 3: 

In this step, we have to use multimedia format to present creative multimedia with cup and saucers. We can use the method of critical thinking such as random words, logical mind map and juxtaposition. Each groups have 5 min to present our work.

Here you go, from our extend essay, we try to make our video looks like heave and hell concept.

All the sketches  


           Beside that, our group had face a big problem, all of us don't know how to edit a video. Luckily one of our groupmate James, he knows how to edit a video. We separate into 3 person to draw the heaven part and another 3 person to draw the hell part. In 12 hours time, we manage to finish our first video. It is not easy as we thought to do out a video. That is many process to edit a video, have to find a song to cut and edit it. Afterwards have to look at our drawing to match with the music, seriously it is not easy all.A very special thanks to my groupmate, they are Jesspi, Jennie, Silver, Jess and James.

Exploration on Juxtaposition; Analogy, Metaphor & Similes - Week 8

Continue with juxtaposition lesson, this week lecturer show us with few type of animals in the world, 

 to combine two type of animal that can't survive together. 

Such as fish and bird, both animal are impossible to survive in different places.

Beside that, we also create a love poem by using chilli.

How cool is that, we can create our own poem :)

This is our animals combination image:

 by pohyeng

by Ang Gaik See

 describe the concept of “Love”

Our love is as hot as a red chilli,
The spicyness like a fire coming up to your eyes,
Be the spark that right you up,
Be everything in your life.
By Lim Poh Yeng 
Love is as hot as a red chili,
When two person are together,
They won't feel anybody at their surrounding,
This is called love.
By Ang Gaik See

Red as passion,
Spicy as hot;
Give it a bite,
Try the irresistible love.
By Lew Ching Zian

 describe the concept of “Life

Life is an light of candle,
It can brighten up your life;
It can darken you life.
But the brightness will bring a hope to you.
By Lim Poh Yeng 

When u light a candle,
And will see it glow.
A bright candle,
Can give us happiness,
And bright up our future.
By Gan Xiao Whua

Our life is like a candle,
When you light it up,
You have to get full use of it,
Otherwise you will regret forever.
By Ang Gaik See
Even lost our way in a dark path.
Hold your back.
Lite a candle up,
So light of hope only can be seen;
by those who believed.
By Lew Ching Zian
 describe the concept of “Pain

When it is melting, 
My heart is telling me how much of love I sacrifice.
When it is melting,
Where is the love, 
When is the pain.
By Lim Poh Yeng

Pain is just like an ice-cream,
It will melt when it can't resit heat.
And we only can do nothing when it occurred.
Tear is just like an ice-cream,
It will fall drop by drop when getting hurt,
And we can't hold back the pain until it finish melted.  
By Loh Pui San

Love is just like a melting ice cream.
When it is melting in mouth,
It will give us sweetness,
But when it is melting alone,
It will give us sadness.
By Gan Xiao Whua

When you eat ice-cream,
You can feel the pain in your tooth,
But you still want to finish eating it,
Pain is nothing when it comes to a success.
By Ang Gaik See

Vanilla flavor with strawberry placed on top,
One scoop would never be enough.
Something sweet would be my every meal,
And endless toothache is what I got.
By Lew Ching Zian

 describe the concept of “Love or Life

The love of coffee,
It warms your heart when you're feeling cold.
Naturally bitter and yet with all the little things you add in; 
It turns sweet.
By Lim Poh Yeng

Love is just like a cup of coffee.
The sweetness and bitterness are depend one yourself.
Depend on yourself how to brew it and mix it.
We brew the coffee, not the cup.
So enjoy the love we enjoy a cup of coffee.
It will make us happier.
By Loh Pui San

A sweetness and bitterness of a cup of coffee,
Must depends on who the one make it.
If someone we love,
It must be sweetness.
By Gan Xiao Whua 

Love is just like a cup of coffee,
When you are happy in a relationship,
You can feel the sweetness in the coffee,
When you are arguing with your boyfriend,
You will taste the bitterness of coffee.
By Ang Gaik See

There's something strange about coffee.
Taste as bitterness;
Keep insomnia aside;
Easy to get addicted with.
Just like love.
By Lew Ching Zian

 describe the concept of “Happiness”

Time could really passes very fast,
Happy time would be our precious memory.
Appreciate everything before you regret. 
By Lim Poh Yeng

Happiness is just like time.
It will pass very fast.
And we can't repeat it as we can't back in time.
By Loh Pui San

We can't buy time with money,
Even the happiness we also can't buy it,
So must appreciate what we have.
By Gan Xiao Whua

We should appreciate happiness just like appreciate time,
We can't rewind it back,
So please seize the moment.
By Ang Gaik See

In this moment,
Don't look back; don't regret,
Precious this second that all we have.
In this time,
Forgive the past; let it go,
Another bright day that we're moving on.
By Lew Ching Zian

describe the concept of “Love or Pain
Although we are different,
But love make us same.
Although we are different,
But my feeling to you never change.
By Gan Xiao Whua

Our Love are linked by each other.
No matter how different we are.
No matter how difficult we be in love with.
I still love you, 
and at least you are in my heart. 
By Loh Pui San 

I miss you more and more each day,
There is so much more we had to say.
I know I will see you again,
But my life is just started to begin.
By Lim Poh Yeng 

Although we are far apart,
As long as you are by my side,
No matter who you are,
My love towards you will not change till forever.
By Ang Gaik See

It's doesn't matter that who we are.
Nor it's all about the identity.
Fight is resolved not by words but by hearts,
Why see the differences?
Let the love break the border.
We can do it don't we?
By Lew Ching Zian

describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

Man is like a mortal and pestle in real life,
To keep on hitting it can get sadness and happiness,
In a mean time, they can cheerful you always.
by Lim Poh Yeng

A pair of couple is like a mortal and pestle,
They can't live without each other.
While mortal and pestle can't function without each other.
By Gan Xiao Whua

Woman just like mortal and pestle,
It can produce variety of spices,
Just like they have different feelings and moods.
By Ang Gaik See

With time and patience,
With tolerance and cooperation,
Only a good taste will be produce.
It's a secret between a pairing.
By Lew Ching Zian

Juxtaposition 2; Analogy, Metaphor & Similes - Week 7

Today lesson, lecturer give us a piece paper to write all the words below:
 0. Fly                         0. Head
1. Flower                    1. Rain
2. Lightning                2. Wood
3. Ice                           3. Tree
4. Light                       4. Spider
5. Fire                         5. Root
6. Duck                       6. Mountain
7. Dog                         7. Wind
8. Oil                           8. Rock
9. Leave                      9. Water

  Afterwards lecturer ask us to pick 2 digit and match with the words, and then from the 2 words we have to draw out the image.

by James Teo Chin Hao

by Lew Ching Zian (Silver)

by Lim Poh Yeng

by Ang Gaik See

by Gan Xiao Whua

 by Loh Pui San

Juxtaposition 1 - Week 6

Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing close together or side by side,especially for comparison or contrast. Designer usually send their message across juxtaposition. It also consists in creative processes.

Juxtaposition usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa. Then, the conflict between left brain and right brain happens. The analogy divides to metaphor and similes. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which 2 different things  are linked by some similarity. Metaphors occur, when 2 different ideas are being connected in imaginative ways and agreed to be dissimilar at first. On the other hand, similes is using 'as' or 'like'. So, it is quite easy to differentiate between metaphor and similes.

David Macaulay is an illustrator. He  relives the winding and sometimes surreal journey toward the completion of Rome Antics, his illustrated homage to the historic city. He went to Rome and showed how to communicate with tourist to enjoy Rome. His illustration illustrated about OLD and NEW.

Juxtaposition is used in many advertisements in order to get a point across. Can you think of any advertisements which use juxtapositioning?

Analogies : Logical ( Duck - hovercraft, whale - submarine and etc.)

Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Founded on shared ideas and values, tribes give ordinary people the power to lead and make big change. He urges us to do so. 

We're at a unique moment in history, says UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown: we can use today's interconnectedness to develop our shared global ethic -- and work together to confront the challenges of poverty, security, climate change and the economy. The symbolic photograph showed that how we change the world.

                                                                                                        - Done by Ang Gaik See (Jesspi)