Associated Mind Map and Thinking & Creative Multimedia - Week 4

Mind mapping can use to explore and develop ideas for a specific problem,
                               use it to think, doodle and see where it takes you.
                               use it to take notes during discussions, lectures and conferences.
                               use it to summarize books and papers.

             Mind mapping is putting your thought into a piece of paper, it might sound similar to brainstorming, but mind mapping is different, because you have to put a connection between everything that you write/draw and the main concept / topic that you are mind mapping about. here's an example of what i mean by "connection".

There is 2 method of creative thinking, which are:
logical and associated mind map

  Done by Poh Yeng

Done by Jennie ( Gan Xiao Whua)


Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. The Logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words. Which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.

Associated Mind Map is using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.
the main difference is when we use the Logical mindmap, we use word that are connected stereotypically with the topic, meanwhile we use a more random words for the associated mindmap.
I didn't know to do a mind mapping is that hard. The mind mapping must be look interesting, so it must be look colorful with cutie image. Beside that, I have find many pictures from the internet, some image I really have no idea how to draw it out.The most difficult thing for me is have to draw it step by step and cannot repeat the same image in mind map. Thus it cannot be too wordy, if not it will be look boring.

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